We hope you will consider advertising your business or becoming a Sponsor of the Norco Fair
The Norco Fair is a fabulous tradition and a great place for your company’s products and services to be exposed and marketed — not only to every Norco resident – but to over 12,000 fairgoers over the Labor Day Weekend.
The number one goal for this completely volunteer run event is to provide low cost, family fun for the community of Norco and its surrounding communities.
Your sponsorship and/or advertising will enable the committee to continue its success.
We have various advertising/sponsorship levels to fit your business budget.
There are no available sponsorship positions for the 2024 Norco fair.
Please consider sponsoring the fair next year.
For more information contact Sponsor Chair persons Fia Sullivan or Brandi Barnes.
Email: norcofairsponsors@gmail.com
Fia Sullivan: 951-317-2711 / Brandi Barnes: 714-423-7880